Friday, 30 March 2018

Perspective #8: The Greater Significance Of Easter

The significance of the Easter period is, of course, well known to all Christians, and it really should be a time for reflection on what suffering means and the magnificent hope that can be born of the outcome of that suffering. If Jesus's extreme suffering can be successfully negotiated, then what right have we to complain of our own often small sufferings by comparison to that experienced by Jesus.

But how well do we Christians really understand what happened, and the depth of its meaning?

The fact is that although Jesus is perceived by most Christians to have been born as the Son of God (and sent by his Father), there is an alternative proposition. That is that Jesus was a noble soul, born a man, who evolved over numerous lifetimes in the process of reincarnation that all souls undergo. Further, that in his last earthly lifetime, Jesus evolved into the spirit that raised him into being a son of God. This remarkable achievement was to demonstrate to those that understood that "the way" to being a son of God is there for everyone. It is the process as taught by the Vedas, Upanishads and other great scriptures from time immemorial.

"But", say the doubters, "how and when did Jesus go through this period of spiritual development that raised him to such a stature?" Well, the Bible speaks of virtually nothing of what happened to Jesus after the age of 12 until he was about 30, so what happened in those intervening and mysterious 18 years?

The story is pretty well fully told in a book entitled "The Jesus Mystery" by Janet Bock (1980). In it, she explains how a certain Nicolas Notovitch travelled to Tibet in the late 1880s and (eventually) was shown a document held in a monastery there telling the story of the visit of a certain Issa (the Asian equivalent name of Jesus). The document he found opened with the words: "The earth trembled and the heavens wept because of the great crime committed in the land of Israel. For there was tortured and murdered the great and just Issa, in whom was manifest the soul of the universe." The document then goes on to explain about the travels that Jesus undertook, including Egypt, India and Persia, while undergoing his spiritual development. during the period between the ages of 12 and 30. Fortunately, some years later a Hindu guru visited Tibet and saw the same document and verified its authenticity. In addition, there is the book called the "Aquarian Gospel Of Jesus The Christ" by a man named Levi and published in the early 20th century. Levi apparently searched what is called the "Akashic Records" - the spiritual repository of all things that have happened - to write down the story of Jesus, and this book expands on the document found in Tibet by Notovitch.

These accounts equate very closely to the knowledge of Jesus and the spiritual processes he negotiated as confirmed by a number of Indian spiritual beings. The India guru Vivekananda was, it seems, sent to America in the late 19th century to remind people there of the true teachings of Jesus.

One can only assume that the early pre-Christian gnostics knew of these accounts, which were later suppressed when formal Christianity developed from the 4th century onwards.

Hope, therefore, remains eternal that by following the true teachings of Jesus the world's problems can be solved.

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